Rönnells Antikvariat

In the winter of 2020/2021, Konstmusiksystrar organised three evenings in collaboration with the bookshop Rönnells Antikvariat in Stockholm. The first evening was called “Drömmen om galenskapen” (The Dream of Madness)...
June 13, 2022
Svensk Musikvår

In March 2017 Konstmusiksystrar organised a concert at Svensk Musikvår, an annual festival for Swedish contemporary music. The programme consisted of music by Konstmusiksystrar members Maja Linderoth, Rachel C. Walker, Maria Lindström, Rosali Grankull and Kajsa Magnarsson...
September 15, 2022
Konserthuset Stockholm

In April 2018, Konstmusiksystrar arranged a concert at Konserthuset Stockholm with music by four Konstmusiksystrar members. The event was organised by Kajsa Lindgren, Madeleine Jonsson Gille and Lo Kristenson and was part of the concert hall´s concert series, Ny Fredag (New Friday). The concert series is described on the Konserthuset Stockholm website as...
September 15, 2022
I slumpens tjänst
The project I slumpens tjänst (In the service of chance) was a preliminary study funded by Kulturbryggan/Swedish Arts Grants Committee that investigated chance as a method for programming contemporary music 2018-2019. In the project, Konstmusiksystrar explored the use of chance and lottery as a means to broaden diversity and to challenge...
October 6, 2022

To celebrate the 200th jubilee of the birth of composer Clara Schumann, Konstmusiksystrar commissioned a piece in collaboration with Blåsarsymfonikerna (The Nordic Wind Ensemble). The piece was titled “Är jag den enda? En korrespondens med Clara Schumann” (Am I the only one? A correspondence with Clara Schumann) and was written by...
October 6, 2022
Discussing Diversity

On the 17th of September, 2021 musicologist Brandon Farnsworth and Anna Jakobsson, executive leader for Konstmusiksystrar, organised Islands on the Move Symposium, an all day in-person event with thirty stakeholders in contemporary music mainly from across the Nordic Countries at the Ultima Contemporary Music Festival in Oslo. The aim of the project was to initiate a series of dialogues between...
October 6, 2022